Jeremy Radio (Hearing Protection Required)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hooray for the Fort Campbell Commissary

All Hail the Fort Campbell Commissary!!!!

After years of suffering at Fort Huachuca & my year exile in Korea, I have finally found what I have been missing all this time: Caffeine Free "Regular" (Not Disgusting Diet) Dr. Pepper.

I may never move again! (Well, that's not really true. I'm ready to head back to Fort Huachuca tomorrow if they'd let me.)
I was a caffeine-a-holic until I quit cold turkey in 2004 (Man the headaches from withdrawal), but I only had caffeine free coca-cola to turn to. Maybe this is just a little reward for moving here to Crazy Army Land. This waking up at 5am every morning is starting to drag (Early Morning Seminary and PT. Yippee!)

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