Jeremy Radio (Hearing Protection Required)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conference Is da Bomb!!!!

Was it just me, or did conference rock the planet!!!

We watched all sessions online (except the Priesthood Session, which, unfortunately, was poorly attended at our building) at home and it was great. It was nice seeing the kids take notes and even nicer to not have to wrestle them in a pew. They all behaved well.

The best talk of conference (not that it is a contest, but I'd be interested to hear what others thought) was by Lawrence E. Corbridge in the Saturday afternoon session. It was powerful and had a memorable theme.

"Christ is the only way to truth and happiness; every other way is madness."

I don't think you can state anything simpler, plainer, or more powerful than that.

I guess we can't do this every week, but 6 months sure seems like a long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't talk about conference. Remember we people in Korea have to wait a week for them to show it. So it is good huh. Are we all supposed to be moving back to Zion? Give us a heads up. We're kinda far away.
So how hard did you have to fight to get this name for your blog. Did you have to pay someone else off to get it?
we miss you guys and think(or should we say, we have received revelation)you should move your family to Korea.