Jeremy Radio (Hearing Protection Required)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

As luck would have it...

Just before I was about to ascend the podium and wave my arm around with a stick in goofy patterns (also known as conducting, as in music, as in the last movement of the Pines of Rome, the Pines of the Appian Way, the part where the whales fly into space. It's for the NCO concert in June.) my good friend and now band commander calls me on my cell phone and informs me that he is no longer going to be the commander at Fort Riley. I guess the guy currently there didn't want to leave, so now my friend may be off to Korea. Anyway, I informed Linda of this recent turn of events and she gave me the all-knowing "I told you so" look, which was real impressive as this happened over the phone. Amazing skills she does have, hmm. So, maybe there was some reason the EFMP guy 180-ed on me. Perhaps I'll never know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many years have we been married? Have I ever been wrong? ;-)