Jeremy Radio (Hearing Protection Required)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I added a video

Part of my use of this blog is shameless self promotion. I actually used my puny brain and figured out how to link to a youtube video a member of my band posted. I will likely put up some audio files as soon as I figure out how to do that. It looks like I need to find a (free) host server to store all my junk so that I can upload and link to all my stuff. Maybe some of you smart people out there already know how/where to do this. I know you can't wait for my first tuba track. Bring out the earplugs (or the mute button).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That video takes forever to start. I thought I just couldn't hear it at first. I really want to find out how to upload audio files from my computer to the blog too. I have a great idea.